Sociology is one of the most popular optional subjects when it comes to the UPSC examination.
But the main reason would be that it is that it is very difficult to go wrong with it and get a bottom level score.
Once you are thorough with the subject and have a decent grasp on its fundamentals, it will not be an exaggeration to state that with a bit of innovativeness from your side, you can attempt a question to a certain satisfactory level even if you have not prepared the topic very well.
That means that you do not have to worry about leaving a single question in the mains paper and should target to attempt 100% of the paper.
• Sociology optional paper 1 contains 6 important thinkers and once you develop a conceptual clarity about them, you can use the same thinkers in your sociology paper 2 multiple times. (After all, a Marxist perspective is bound to always criticize the establishment, just like a feminist will find a patriarchal basis in every social arrangement.)
• By interlinking your current affairs preparation with paper 2 of sociology and using current examples in paper2, along with quoting the same 5 -6 thinkers of paper 1 ,you can write a good answer even if you don’t remember a single sociologist’s name for that particular paper 2 topic.
Thus sociology is the kind of optional which provides you a safety net even when UPSC decides to throw a bouncer.
A score of 300 to 330(out of 500 total allotted marks) is very much achievable if you are able to receive proper guidance and mentorship to pursue a smart strategy towards the sociology optional.
And once you are done with your sociology optional, you will always have that one extra dimension-a sociological perspective to add to your GS answers.
Not only this, you will never have a one dimensional viewpoint of any issue ever again…even the best of ideas have their dysfunctions and the most evil of institutions in the society have some functional significance. This adds to your personality and reflects in your interview as well.
To help you further finalize the optional for UPSC,we will advise you to go through the syllabus and course material once.
This is the list of source material/ books for sociology optional:
Paper 1
Paper 2
After having a heart to heart chat with the sociology toppers who are also our ex-students, we have devised a strategy for serious UPSC aspirants to help them channelize their energies in the right direction.