Sociology Syllabus

Syllabus of Sociology Paper - II

Indian Society: Structure and Change

  • Perspectives on the Study of Indian Society
    • (a) Indology (G.S. Ghure)
      • Six features of caste
      • Criticism

  • (b) Structural functionalism (M. N. Srinivas)
    • Sanskritization
    • Dominant caste
    • Criticism
    • Caste,class and power

  • (c) Marxist sociology (A. R. Desai)
      Impact of colonial rule on Indian society
    • (a) Social background of Indian nationalism
      • (The subaltern view, indological perspective etc)
    • (b) Modernization of Indian tradition
    • (c) Protests and movements during the colonial period.
    • (d) Social reforms.
  • Rural and Agrarian Social Structure
    • (a) The idea of Indian village and village studies
      • Jajmani system
      • Analysis of Panchayati Raj institutions
      • 73rd and 74th constitutional amendement
      • Role of cooperatives in poverty alleviation

    • (b) Agrarian social structure— evolution of land tenure system, land reforms
      • Key features of land reforms
      • Effectiveness of land reforms

  • Caste System
    • (a) Perspectives on the study of caste systems
      • Caste-Origin theories
      • G. S. Ghurye
      • M. N. Srinivas: Sanskritization,Ritual and secular hierarchy
      • Louis Dumont:Purity and Pollution(Impure) theory
      • Andre Beteille

    • (b) Features of caste system
      • Anuloma and Pratiloma
      • Jajmani system
      • Relationship between caste and varna
      • Difference between caste and class
      • Mobility in caste system
      • Caste among non hindu communities
      • Caste based census

    • (c) Untouchability-forms and perspectives
      • Ambedkar Vs Gandhi debate
      • Constitution, law and social changes
      • Dalit movements before independence
      • Dalit movements post independence
      • Contemporary trends in dalit movements
      • Challenges faced by dalit movements
      • Issue of Reservation

  • Tribal Communities in India
    • (a) Definitional problems
      • Tribes and castes
      • Classification of tribes

    • (b) Geographical spread

    • (c) Colonial policies and tribes

    • (d) Issues of integration and autonomy
      • Important tribal uprisings
      • Three policy approaches for tribal development
      • Tribal religious conversions
      • Important tribal uprisings
      • Constitutional provisions for tribal development
      • Committees established for tribal development

  • Social Classes in India
    • (a) Agrarian class structure
    • (b) Industrial class structure
    • (c) Middle classes in India
      • Definitional problems of middle class
      • Historical evolution of Indian middle class
      • Political role of middle class
      • New Middle class

  • Systems of Kinship in India
    • (a) Lineage and descent in India
      • Definitions
      • Different kinds of descent in India

    • (b) Types of kinship systems
      • Consanguinal kin and Affinal kin
      • Kinship zones in India(Irawati karve)

    • (c) Family and marriage in India
      • Joint family system and its variations
      • Changes in family structure in India
      • Marriage within different religions
      • Issue of surrogacy
      • The issue of abortion

    • (d) Household dimensions of the family
      • Various types of households

    • (e) Patriarchy, entitlements, and sexual division of labour
      • Patriarchy in family structure
      • Patriarchy and Religion
      • Patriarchy and caste
      • Patriarchy and politics
      • Patriarchy and Media
      • Women's movement in India
      • Challenges before feminist movement in India
      • Constitutional provisions for women empowerment
      • Current issues revolving around rape, triple talaq, love jihad

  • Religion and Society
    • (a) Religious communities in India
      • Various religious communities in India and interaction between them
      • Socio religious movement during the colonial period

    • (b) Problems of religious minorities
      • Religious minorities in India

  • Visions of Social Change in India
    • (a) Idea of development planning and mixed economy
      • LPG reforms and its impact
      • Globalisation and its impact on India
      • Critical assessment of globalization

    • (b) Constitution, law, and social change
      • Constitutional provisions triggering social change
      • Contemporary issues like reservation on economic basis, Maratha reservation etc

    • (c) Education and social change
      • Functionalist and structural functionalist perspective
      • Colonial policy on Education
      • National Education Policy, 2020
      • Evaluation of India's Education system
      • Views on Education: Gandhi,Tagore,Nehru,Ambedkar,Sri Aurobindo,Dr S Radhakrishnan,other prominent scholars
      • Effects of pandemic on Education

  • Rural and Agrarian Transformation in India
    • (a) Programmes of rural development, Community Development Programme, cooperatives, poverty alleviation schemes
      • Village studies
      • Views of Gandhi and Ambedkar on villages
      • Academic view on villages
      • Land reforms and its consequences

    • (b) Green revolution and social change
      • Impact on Indian society
      • Political impact

    • (c) Changing modes of production in Indian agriculture
      • Feudal agrarian society and Capitalist industrial society
      • Contemporary trends in Indian agriculture
      • Challenges facing Indian farmers and solutions
      • Agrarian class structure pre and post independence

    • (d) Problems of rural labour, bondage, migration
      • Phule on Agrarian labour
      • Bonded labour
      • Steps taken for elimination of bonded labour
      • Problems of migration
      • Pandemic induced migration

  • Industrialization and Urbanisation in India
    • (a) Evolution of modern industry in India
      • Pre and post independence history of modern industries in India. (LPG Reforms etc)
      • Views of Gandhi and Nehru on modern industries.

    • (b) Growth of urban settlements in India
      • Factors of urbanisation
      • Theories of urban settlement(Concentric rings theory, Sector theory, Multiple Nuclei)
      • Rural urban continuum
      • Universalization and parochialization
      • Impacts of urbanisation
      • Urban issues like slums, sanitation etc
      • Contemporary issues like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Smart cities etc

    • (c) Working class: structure, growth, class mobilization
      • Evolution of working class in India
      • Nature of working class in India
      • Working class movements in India
      • Impact of globalisation on working class

    • (d) Informal sector, child labour
      • Social implications of child labour
      • Constitutional provisions
      • Effects of pandemic on child labour
      • Gender division of labour\ feminization of labour

    • (e) Slums and deprivation in urban areas
      • Issues surrounding prevalence of slums
      • Possible solutions to the prevalent problems
      • Challenges during and post pandemic
      • Possibilities of slum reforms

  • Politics and Society
    • (a) Nation, democracy and citizenship
      • Evolution of Indian political system
      • Democracy in Indian and the western context
      • Vote bank politics

    • (b) Political parties, pressure groups, social and political elite
      • Caste and Indian politics
      • Caste based political movements

    • (c) Regionalism and decentralization of power
      • Causative factors fostering regionalism in India
      • Positives and negatives of regionalism in India

    • (d) Secularization
      • Indian definition of secularism
      • Causative factors for Indian secularism

  • Social Movements in Modern India
    • (a) Peasants and farmers' movements
      • Movements during colonial period
      • Post independence movements
      • New farmer movement
      • Contemporary issues like Farm law agitation

    • (b) Women’s movement

    • (c) Backward classes & Dalit movements

    • (d) Environmental movements

    • (e) Ethnicity and Identity movements

  • Population Dynamics
    • (a) Population size, growth, composition and distribution
      • World population trend

    • (b) Components of population growth: birth, death, migration
      • Determinants of population growth
      • Causes and consequences of migration

    • (c) Population Policy and family planning
      • Phases in population growth in India
      • Population policy in India and its assessment
      • Family welfare programs

    • (d) Emerging issues: ageing, sex ratios, child and infant mortality, reproductive health
      • Social problems faced by the elderly
      • MMR and IMR
      • Issues surrounding contraceptives and usage
      • Population control bill
      • Lessons from China
      • National policy for senior citizens

    • Challenges of Social Transformation
      • (a) Crisis of development: displacement, environmental problems and sustainability
        • Sociological perspective on pandemic
        • Summits on sustainable development
        • Environmental movements in India
        • Ideological strands of environmental movements
        • Ecological feminism

      • (b) Poverty, deprivation and inequalities
        • Defining poverty
        • Measures taken to reduce poverty

      • (c) Violence against women
        • Cyber Sexual harassment
        • Contemporary issues like recent murders of women by partners(Shraddha Walker murder case etc)
        • Patriarchial bargain

      • (d) Caste conflicts

      • (e) Ethnic conflicts, communalism, religious revivalism
        • Colonial reasons behind the conflict
        • Terrorism as a new form of asymmetrical warfare
        • Current issues like Love Jihad, Riots Ethnicity and Race
        • Racial hate
        • Cultural revivalism

      • (f) Illiteracy and disparities in education
        • Measures to reduce disparities in education
        • Contemperory issues like online education, the digital divide

Syllabus of Paper -1