Jal Jeevan

Women in STEM: Societal Perspectives on Gender Disparities, Challenges, and Empowerment

The underrepresentation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields is a pressing issue that has garnered significant attention in the global discourse on gender equality. Despite notable advancements, women continue to face barriers in pursuing STEM careers, limiting their participation in cutting-edge scientific research and technological innovations:-

Jal Jeevan

Jal Jeevan Mission: A Sociological Analysis of India's Water Revolution for Rural Communities

The Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), launched by the Government of India in 2019, is a transformative initiative aimed at providing potable water to every rural household in the country. Access to clean drinking water is a fundamental human right and a crucial aspect of sustainable development. This article delves into the sociological dimensions of the Jal Jeevan Mission, exploring the terminologies:-


Cryptocurrency: A Sociological Exploration of Digital Currencies, Disruption, and Social Implications

Cryptocurrency, a digital form of currency that operates on decentralized networks using cryptographic techniques, has emerged as a revolutionary financial innovation. From Bitcoin to Ethereum, cryptocurrencies have disrupted traditional monetary systems and challenged established financial institutions:-

Unmasking Gaslighting

Artificial Intelligence: Sociological Perspectives on Technology, Power, and Social Implications

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the modern world, impacting various spheres of society, economy, and culture. From autonomous vehicles to advanced data analytics, AI technologies are shaping the way we live, work, and interact:-

Unmasking Gaslighting

Unmasking Gaslighting: A Sociological Exploration of Manipulation, Power, and Identity

Gaslighting, a term that originated from a 1938 play and later adapted into a psychological concept, has found its place in the realm of sociology. This article delves into the sociological dimensions of gaslighting, exploring the terminologies, theories, and concepts used to understand this form of psychological manipulation:-

Ethnic Conflict in Manipur

Urban Floods: Unraveling the Sociological Dimensions of Water, Infrastructure, and Vulnerabilities

Urban floods, a recurring phenomenon in many cities across the world, have emerged as a pressing sociological concern in recent decades. This article delves into the sociological aspects of urban floods:-

Ethnic Conflict in Manipur

Unraveling the Complexities of Ethnic Conflict in Manipur: A Sociological Exploration

Manipur, a northeastern state in India, has been grappling with ethnic conflict for decades, making it a significant site for sociological inquiry. This article delves into the sociological dimensions of ethnic conflict in Manipur, exploring the terminologies:-

How Saleem Kidwai brought Indian history of same-sex love to light

How Saleem Kidwai brought Indian history of same-sex love to light

His mobilisation of LGBTQIA+ community into a movement for freedom, as well as his literary achievements, especially in translating Urdu works, are admirable:-

Falling sick together: Covid-19 pandemic has immensely boosted the case for Universal Healthcare

Why a strong law against human trafficking is necessary in post-Covid times

The Trafficking in Persons Bill, 2021 is well-intentioned, but it needs to be further strengthened. Odisha has lessons to offer Since early last year, humanity has been under siege. While globally several countries have had their share of recoveries and relapses, the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly the second wave, has put India under considerable strain. The pandemic :-

Falling sick together: Covid-19 pandemic has immensely boosted the case for Universal Healthcare

Falling sick together: Covid-19 pandemic has immensely boosted the case for Universal Healthcare

Universal Healthcare never quite got the attention it needed from India’s policy planners. There were always other subsidies cooking and those had to be served first. This pushed healthcare investment out of the back burner and onto the kitchen floor. As a result, India’s governmental health spend is just 1% of its GDP, among the lowest in the world:-

Time Poverty Is a Real Issue For Women Everywhere, Says Melinda Gates

'Time Poverty' Is a Real Issue For Women Everywhere, Says Melinda Gates

Have you ever wished there were more hours in the day? More time to stay on top of your to- do list, pursue your hobbies, connect with friends, maybe even get to the gym? You’re not alone:-

Only 7% of India’s police force is women. This hurts investigations into gender violencee

Only 7% of India’s police force is women. This hurts investigations into gender violence

Women make up only 7.28% of India’s police force. Of these women, 90% are constables, while less than 1% hold supervisory positions, according to the recently released “Status of Policing in India Report, 2019”. The numbers are low despite 20 :-

Social Distancing and the Pandemic of Caste

Social Distancing and the Pandemic of Caste

Social distancing set in motion an illness whose vaccine we still have not been able to – or wished to – discover. Caste, like a virus, has the virtue of self-duplication inherent in it:-

Losing Faith in Democracy

Losing Faith in Democracy

As per Cambridge University’s report on Democracy, the younger citizens are “losing faith in the ability of democracy to deliver,” especially in the wake of COVID-19:-

Fake News

Fake News

India has emerged as the biggest source of COVID misinformation as per the report released by the University of Alberta(Canada).India recorded a massive 214 percent rise in cases related to misinformation and rumours in 2020, a three-fold rise over 2019, according to the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data.The cases of fake news increased after the defeat of Afghan government against Taliban:-

Remembering Birsa Munda, the Social Reformer and Revolutionary Leader

Remembering Birsa Munda, the Social Reformer and Revolutionary Leader

For the Hindutva movement, Birsa Munda is an icon only because he and his followers attacked missionaries and the church. But this is a deliberate misreading of history and a willful deception:-

Religious Fundamentalism

Religious Fundamentalism

Taliban forces have disturbed the political stability and taken control of Afghanistan.Taliban has been using religious fundamentalism as a medium for political gains:-

Inclusion of LGBTQ and women in India’s new science policy

Inclusion of LGBTQ and women in India’s new science policy

Why in News: Recently, the Department of Science and Technology (DST), proposed a draft National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) which talks about equal opportunities for women and marginalized :-

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme

BBBP program has completed its 6 years in 2021 and PM Modi acknowledged the achievements of BBBP on National Girl Child Day:-

Caste based census in India

Caste based census in India

There is a demand for a caste based census to evaluate the developmental conditions of various castes inthe Indian society. States like Bihar, Odisha and Maharashtra expressed willingness to conduct caste based census:-

How historical caste privilege became modern-day merit

How historical caste privilege became modern-day ‘merit’

While a public health crisis grips the nation, the recent incident at IIT Kharagpur where a professor named Seema Singh at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences allegedly made casteist slurs during a class meant for students from the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and persons with disabilities must have raised eyebrows :-

There is an urgent need for safeguards against unfair discontinuation of social benefits

From panopticon to Pegasus, how ideas about surveillance have evolved

There is uproar following the revelations of the Pegasus Project, but surveillance as a method of control has existed since Jeremy Bentham’s age. How it evolved into its current digital form and what the future could look like are questions that need greater discussion. The situation must be placed in a historical context :-

There is an urgent need for safeguards against unfair discontinuation of social benefits

There is an urgent need for safeguards against unfair discontinuation of social benefits

The Covid crisis has enhanced the dependence of poor people on social security schemes such as the public distribution system (PDS). Many of them, unfortunately, continue to have difficulties in accessing these schemes due to Aadhaar-related :-

One Above the Other

One Above the Other

Caste matters. Why and how does it matter? How long will it continue to matter? Though more than two-thirds of India still lives in rural settlements, Indians are no longer bound by their past traditions. Even those who wish to do so find it hard to keep up with the demands of a traditional social order and the accompanying lifestyles. More importantly, the caste system is about relational structures :-

Explained: Why so many MPs are dynasts

Explained: Why so many MPs are dynasts

While prominent dynasts of the Congress party and other regional parties have bitten the dust — including of course Rahul Gandhi himself in his fiefdom of Amethi — the dynastic factor has not been absent in 2019 election at all. If anything, the phenomenon has increased :-

Why China’s about-turn shows restrictive population policy doesn’t work

Why China’s about-turn shows restrictive population policy doesn’t work

Recently China announced that married couples may have up to three children, officially marking an end to the population control experiment that led to the draconian one-child policy in 1980. This policy reversal came as data from the 2020 Chinese census showed a sharp increase in the proportion:-

Make room for women in the new normal

Make room for women in the new normal

When we tell our children and grandchildren about 2020, we will talk about a time when we shut ourselves in our homes to keep the world and the pandemic out. Our only contact with friends and relatives was via the telephone:-

Pew survey reflects growing affinity between majority community and Hindutva

Pew survey reflects growing affinity between majority community and Hindutva

The title of the last Pew Research Center survey, Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation, sounds paradoxical — but it’s not, except that in this context “tolerance” is different from “toleration”. This is primarily true of Hindus’ perception of other communities:-

What India’s farm crisis really needs

What India’s farm crisis really needs

The farmers’ movement invites us to revisit the trajectory of India’s agriculture so as to understand its real problems. Beginning in the mid-1960s, India and, especially, Punjab experienced a massive productivity boom as a result of widespread adoption of Green Revolution technologies. This transition was driven by public investment in irrigation and market infrastructure:-

A normalisation of WFH is unlikely to raise women’s participation in the labour force

A normalisation of WFH is unlikely to raise women’s participation in the labour force

A recent report from LinkedIn suggested that Indian women increased their participation in paid work between April and July because the new normal of “work from home” (WFH) allowed them to combine their domestic and employment responsibilities.:-

By numbers alone

By numbers alone

Did the abrogation of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status express India’s democratic wish, or did it violate basic democratic canons? The government’s claim is the former, critics say it is the latter. How do we judge? :-


A temple on contested site of mosque’s destruction departs from judicial counter- majoritarianism

For the first time since Independence, an entirely new electoral prospect has been consolidating itself. This phenomenon can be conceptualised as the political irrelevance of Muslims. It came to life with the 2014 general elections:-

What does it mean to be Indian

What does it mean to be Indian?

Are the various diversities of India — religious, linguistic, caste-based — being flattened by the rise of Hindu nationalism? Are more and more Indians beginning to believe that Hindus and/or Hindi-speakers are the only true Indians:-

Huge numbers may be pushed into dire poverty or starvation

Huge numbers may be pushed into dire poverty or starvation…we need to secure them

We in India worry a lot about the possible mis-steps that can happen in the implementation of large-scale transfers; the money (or the food ) may end up in the wrong hands, some intermediary may get rich at the expense of the taxpayer. In some ways, this is a welcome shift from the see-no-evil optimism that gave us government-run hotels and “luxury” river cruises :-

Kamla Bhasin dies after battling cancer

Kamla Bhasin dies after battling cancer

Feminist icon, poet, author and a pioneer of the women’s rights movement in South Asia, Kamla Bhasin, died in Delhi on 25th September after battling cancer. :-

Proposal to revise creamy layer for OBCs and sub- categorization

Proposal to revise creamy layer for OBCs and sub- categorization

Government is working on a proposal to revise the criteria for defining the ‘creamy layer’ among OBCs.The Government has also formed an expert committee headed by retired judge G. Rohini to examine the sub-categorization of OBCs. Creamy layer: Based on the Second Backward Class Commission or Mandal Commission Report, the Government in 1990 notified 27% reservation for socially and Educationally Backward Classes:-

Incel Movement

Incel Movement

The Incel Movement has come into spotlight once again in the UK’s Plymouth, where a 22 year old man named Jake Davidson shot dead five people:-

Government decision on non-caste-based census

Government decision on non-caste-based census

A multi-party delegation of politicians led by the Bihar Chief Minister met the Prime Minister to press the demand for holding a caste based census in the country:-

Anti-Conversion Laws

Anti-Conversion Laws

The Gujarat Government said that it would approach the Supreme Court challenging the stay granted by the High Court on certain sections of the Gujarat Freedom of Religion (Amendment) Act, 2021; that seeks to stop religious conversions through inter-faith marriages using force or allurement or fraudulent means:-

Uniform Civil Code

Uniform Civil Code

The Delhi High Court has backed the implementation of Uniform Civil Code in the country. Uniform Civil Code:-

Formation of new Cooperation Ministry

Formation of new Cooperation Ministry and the Supreme Court judgment

Government announced the formation of a separate Union ministry of Cooperation in July 2021, a subject that till date was looked after by the Ministry of Agriculture. :-

Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory

Republicans in US have been railing against the ‘Critical Race Theory’, with many state legislatures controlled by the party passing laws restricting how race can be taught in schools:-

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Mattermovement, which originated in 2013, gained prominence in the summer of 2020 when tens of millions in the U.S marched under the ‘Black lives Matter’ slogan to protest a Minneapolis police officer’s murder of George Floyd:-

Gail Omvedt died

Gail Omvedt died

Gail Omvedt, American born Indian sociologist died on August 25, 2021. Her writings clearly outline the vision of a casteless, classless, and democratic just society:-

State of Environment in Figures Report 2021: Farmer protests

State of Environment in Figures Report 2021: Farmer protests

The State of Environment in figures Report 2021 by Delhi based think tank Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) released data on farmer protests:-

Lokniti-CSDS Youth studies

Lokniti-CSDS Youth studies: Marriage trends

Lokniti CSDS Youth studies in 2016 and 2017 reports its finding on marriage :-

Report on United Information system for education plus

Report on United Information system for education plus

The Union Education Minister released the Report on United Information System for Education (UDISE+) 2019-2020 for school education in India:-

Report on religious freedom in India

Report on religious freedom in India

A nationwide survey on religious attitudes, behavior and beliefs in India was conducted by Pew Research Centre, a nonprofit organization based in Washington DC:-

Perils of pushing India as a Civilizational State

Perils of pushing India as a Civilizational State

India's cultural rightists lately have been doubling down on the narrative of India being a civilizational state. For instance, Santishree Dhulipudi Pandit, the Jawaharlal Nehru University vice-chancellor, has said that India is a "civilization state" and should not be reduced to a civic nation bound by the Constitution. Few will quibble with the virtues of India's ancient civilization. Mahatma Gandhi, for example:-

The Message From the Shudra/OBC Conclave

The Message From the Shudra/OBC Conclave

On December 21 2021 a major National Shudra/OBC conclave took place in Delhi Talkatora stadium with hundreds of activists, intellectuals and political leaders across parties, different universities and civil societal organizations. They brought out the first ever Shudra/OBC declaration, which has a historical significance for the nation :-

Opinion: What wins votes today is ‘trust capital’

Opinion: What wins votes today is ‘trust capital’

Badri Narayan writes: Unlike charisma, which denotes the magical pull of a political leader, trust capital is acquired slowly by building connections and delivering on promises:-

Statue Politics and the Myth of Ramanuja’s Equality

Statue Politics and the Myth of Ramanuja’s Equality

The name given to the statue is meant to mislead the Shudra/Dalit/Adivasis, who have their own spiritual symbols in Telangana and also have major spiritual icons like Mahatma Phule, Savitribai Phule& Dr. B.R. Ambedkar:-

Education should be priority, not banning of hijab

Education should be priority, not banning of hijab

Sonalde Desai writes: It is time for us to focus on empowering all women, including Muslim women, by ensuring their access to education, employment, and public safety.:-

obey husband

9 in 10 Indians think wife must always obey husband: study

While Indians accept women as political leaders, they mostly favour traditional gender roles in family life, says a report released by the Pew Research Center, a Washington DC-based non-profit. The study, titled ‘How Indians View Gender Roles in Families and Society’ and released on March 2, is based on a survey of 29,999 Indian adults conducted from November 2019 to March 2020:-

Invisible Labor

Invisible Labor: Sociological Perspectives on Domestic Workers in India

Domestic work occupies a significant place in the Indian society, yet it remains an underexplored and undervalued sector. This article aims to delve into the sociological dimensions of domestic work in India.:-

Upsurge affects poor

Upsurge affects poor the most, govt. must retool policy to ensure that inequalities do not deepen

Christophe Jaffrelot and Trishali Chauhan write: Inflation is here to stay because it has much to do with the decline in value of the rupee that has fallen to its lowest, which makes imports of oil and gas more expensive.:-

Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse: Exploring the Sociological Dimensions of Addiction

Union Ministry of Social Justice and empowerment has recommended changes to NDPS Act to ensure drug users and addicts are treated as ‘victims’ and exempt from a prison term:-

Feminization of Agriculture

Feminization of Agriculture: Unraveling Gender Dynamics in Rural Farming Communities

The phenomenon of feminization of agriculture has gained significant attention in recent years, shedding light on the increasing participation of women in agricultural activities worldwide. This article delves into the sociological dimensions of this trend, exploring the gender dynamics, socio-economic implications, and the experiences of women involved in agricultural work. By drawing upon the perspectives of Indian:-

Legalizing Same-Sex Marriages in India

Legalizing Same-Sex Marriages in India: A Sociological Perspective

The legalization of same-sex marriages is a topic that has gained considerable attention in recent years, both globally and within the context of India. Aspiring civil servants with a sociology optional need to grasp the sociological dimensions of this issue, utilizing relevant terminologies, theories, and concepts. This article aims to explore the sociological aspects of:-

Caste Discrimination in the USA

Caste Discrimination in the USA: An Examination of Social Hierarchies and Inequality

Caste discrimination, often associated with the Indian social context, has also found its way to the United States, where it poses significant sociological challenges. This article aims to explore the phenomenon of caste discrimination in the USA, employing sociological terminologies, jargons, theories, and concepts to critically analyze the social hierarchies and inequalities that exist within:-

Love Jihad

Unveiling the Sociological Dimensions of "Love Jihad"

The term "Love Jihad" has gained significant attention in recent years, particularly in India. It refers to a controversial concept that alleges a systematic campaign where Muslim men are accused of luring Hindu women into relationships for the purpose of religious conversion. This article aims to analyze the sociological:-

rights of sex workers

Unveiling the Sociological Dimensions of the Rights of Sex Workers

The rights of sex workers have been a subject of extensive debate and discussion within the realms of sociology and human rights advocacy. This article aims to explore the sociological perspectives surrounding the rights of sex workers, shedding light on the viewpoints of Indian and Western sociologists and social scientists.:-

Care Economy

Understanding the Care Economy: A Sociological Perspective

The concept of the care economy has gained significant attention in recent years as societies grapple with the challenges of caregiving, unpaid labor, and the recognition of care work's societal and economic value. This article delves into the sociological dimensions of the care economy:-

Gender self identification

Gender Self-Identification: Exploring Identity, Autonomy, and Social Constructs

The concept of gender self-identification has become a significant topic of sociological inquiry, as individuals assert their right to define and express their own gender identity. This article delves into the sociological dimensions of gender self-identification, drawing upon the perspectives of Indian and Western sociologists and social scientists:-

Transgender Right

Transgender Rights in India: A Sociological Exploration

The fight for transgender rights has gained significant momentum in recent years, challenging societal norms and advocating for equality and social justice. This article delves into the sociological dimensions of transgender rights in India, examining the viewpoint:-

Chosen Pronouns

Chosen Pronouns: Exploring Identity, Language, and Social Change

In recent years, the concept of chosen pronouns has emerged as a significant aspect of language and identity. This article delves into the sociological dimensions of chosen pronouns, examining the viewpoints of Indian and Western sociologists and social scientists, and highlighting key theories:-

India Achieves Fertility Rate

India Achieves Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 2.0: A Sociological Analysis

India's achievement of a Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 2.0 holds significant sociological implications. Aspiring civil servants with a sociology optional must explore this demographic milestone from a sociological perspective, employing sociological terminologies, jargons, theories, and concepts. This article aims to provide a comprehensive sociological analysis of India achieving a TFR:-

India Surpasses

India's Population Surpasses China's, Making India the World's Most Populous Nation

The recent announcement that India's population has surpassed China's, making it the world's most populous nation, has far-reaching sociological implications. As aspiring civil servants with a sociology optional, it is crucial to explore this demographic shift from a sociological perspective, employing terminologies, jargons, theories, and concepts. :-

India Surpasses

The Population Control Bill in India

The Population Control Bill in India has been a subject of considerable debate and discussion within the realm of sociological inquiry. Aspiring civil servants with a sociology optional must delve into this contentious issue, employing sociological terminologies, jargons, theories, and concepts to critically analyze the proposed legislation:-



United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a consensus Resolution declaring March 15 annually as the ‘International Day to Combat Islamophobia.:-

Glass cliff

Glass cliff

The glass cliff is a relative of the “glass ceiling” — a metaphor for the invisible, societal barrier that keeps women from achieving the highest positions in business, politics, and organizations:-

Hijab Row

Hijab Row

The Karnataka High Court upheld the ban that restricted students from wearing the hijab in classrooms. The Karnataka High Court made a decision to uphold a ban that restricts students from wearing the hijab in classrooms. The ruling implies that students who adhere to the Islamic faith and choose to wear the hijab as part of their religious observance will be prohibited from doing so within the school setting. This decision has generated discussions and debates regarding religious freedom, cultural diversity, and the rights of individuals to express their religious beliefs:-

Agnipath scheme and protests

Agnipath scheme and protests

Agnipath Scheme is a recruitment process announced by the Indian government in which youths between the ages of 17-and-a-half and 21 years would get an opportunity to work with the Indian armed forces. It will be a four-year commitment at the end of which 25 per cent of the recruits will be retained for regular service :-

Abortion Controversy in US

Abortion Controversy in USA

The United States Supreme Court has overturned its own 1973 ruling regarding women’s right to privacy as they seek abortion. The 1973 judgment in Roe vs. Wade was a landmark judgment in which the U.S. Supreme Court on January 22, 1973 ruled (7–2) that unduly restrictive :-

Kashmiri Pandits

Kashmiri Pandits

The exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in the 1990s is in the spotlight following the release of The Kashmir Files. TN Madan calls ‘kashmiriyat’ as a pluralistic culture of tolerance and acceptance of the religious and cultural differences and not syncretism. :-

Marital Rape

Marital Rape

The Delhi High Court delivered a split verdict on decriminalizing marital rape in the country. The debate revolved around the validity of the Exception 2 of Section 375 which states that “sexual intercourse or sexual acts by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under fifteen years of age, is not rape” :-

Minimum age of marriage for women

Minimum age of marriage for women

The Jaya Jaitley parliamentary standing committee seeks to increase the marriageable age of women from 18 to 21 years of age. :-

Work from Home

Work from Home

Emile Durkheim defined “anomie” as a condition where society becomes unstable due to a breakdown in society. Covid 19 and the consequent lockdown qualify to be called an anomic condition in the society. :-

Sociology of War

Sociology of War

On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that began in 2014.:-



Hollywood actor Will Smith punched stand-up comedian Chris Rock for making fun of his wife's appearance in a joke. This has brought the issue of toxic masculinity prevalent in the society in limelight:-

Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is National Mission for Financial Inclusion to ensure access to financial services, namely, Banking/ Savings & Deposit Accounts, Remittance, Credit, Insurance, Pension in an affordable manner. It will complete its eight year of implementation in August 2022.:-

National Family Health Survey-V

National Family Health Survey-V

National Report of the 2nd phase of fifth round of National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) was released recently.:-

Start-up culture

Start-up culture

The success of Shark Tank India has brought the start-up culture prevalent in India into limelight.:-

Temple Construction

Temple Construction

Kashi, Mathura, Delhi, Lucknow: Demands to rebuild temples claims gain momentum post :-

Sanitation Habit

Sanitation Habit

The findings indicate the need for reinforcing behavioural change in sanitation habits Over the years, the National Family Health Surveys (NFHS) have evolved into a major source of data, producing a vast array of indicators on the demographic, health, nutrition and socio-economic status of people. The technical and resource support provided by national and international agencies enables NFHS :-

Post-lockdown misery of India’s migrant workers

Post-lockdown misery of India’s migrant workers

One year since the Covid-19 lockdown was imposed, there’s been little change in the hunger levels and unemployment rate among migrant workers, especially women.:-

Call it what it is: Rape

Call it what it is: Rape

The Supreme Court’s statements in two recent cases invisibilise sexual violence in the institutions of family and marriage:-

Urban Disparities: How Caste Shapes Cities

Urban Disparities: How Caste Shapes Cities

Built environments are a reflection of the social order and dynamic ideals of society. Neighborhoods and cities are cultural relics shaped by diverse communities, some of whose voices are heard louder than others. In the past few decades, Indian metropolitans have been booming with urbanization:-

Caste doesn’t just exist

Caste doesn’t just exist in India or in Hinduism – it is pervasive across many religions in South Asia and the diaspora

The California State University system, America’s largest public higher education system, recently added caste, a birth-based social hierarchy system, to its anti-discrimination policy, allowing students, staff and faculty across its 23 campuses to report caste bias and discrimination.:-

OBC entrepreneurs

OBC entrepreneurs own nearly 30% of India’s MSMEs

Around 41% of OBC-owned units are located in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan. Other Backward Classes (OBC) own nearly 30% of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) in the country:-

Great Resignation

Great Resignation

The Great Resignation, also known as the Big Quit and the Great Reshuffle, is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs en masse, beginning in early 2021. Possible causes include wage stagnation amid rising cost of living, long-lasting job dissatisfaction, safety:-

Critique of work

Critique of work

Critique of work or critique of labour, or more informally antiwork, refers to the critique of, and wish to abolish work as such, and not only to critique of the worst forms of what the critics of works often deem wage slavery.:-

Post-work society

Post-work society

In futurology, political science, and science fiction, a post-work society is a society in which the nature of work has been radically transformed.:-

Many verses of Metaverse

Many verses of Metaverse

The rapid speed and scale of digitisation has suddenly landed us in a universe, verses of which are being ubiquitously heard. Don’t you overhear corporations pumping up war chests, to garner first movers’ advantage in a bid to compete in Metaverse?:-



An anthropological concept, which is a marker of supermodernity and impersonality What do hotels, airports, and shopping malls have in common? These metropolitan motifs are inorganic spaces that confer a uniform identity on individuals based on their consumption patterns. One is always a ‘diner’, ‘passenger’ or ‘customer’ here. These artificial spaces are what French anthropologist Marc Augé refers to as ‘non-places’.:-

Raising marriage age won’t lead to women’s empowerment

Raising marriage age won’t lead to women’s empowerment

That can only happen through affordable education, meaningful and decent employment opportunities. The announcement of a cabinet decision to raise the age at marriage for women from 18 to 21 years marks the fruition of a plan that was first revealed almost two years ago when a Task Force was set up for the purpose. :-

Frances Haugen exposes Facebook

Frances Haugen exposes Facebook: Effects of surveillance capitalism on social media users

Facebook is no stranger to controversy, but the past few weeks have been particularly disreputable for the tech giant. The turmoil began when Facebook former-employee-turned-whistleblower Frances Haugen copied internal documents — including internal research and employee discussions — and leaked it to The Wall Street Journal, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Congress. :-

On women’s rights

On women’s rights, West takes a backward step, and India shows the way

Smriti Irani writes: While the West is curtailing abortion rights, the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act, Surrogacy Regulation Act and Prohibition of Child Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 2021, collectively give new meaning to narishakti in India:-