UPSC Mock Interview by IAS Gurukul


IAS Gurukul is conducting a FREE UPSC CSE 2022 MOCK INTERVIEW program in association with ICSA (Indian Civil Services Association). Our mock interview panel comprises of a strong team of senior bureaucrats (retired/serving), including several former UPSC CSE Interview Board Members. Our panelists have detailed understanding of the UPSC CSE interview and rich experience at topmost levels in the government. They will help you prepare for any situation you might find yourself in, during your upcoming UPSC interview.

To Register, Call/WhatsApp : 9999693744

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Our Esteemed Panelists and Board Members
IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. Wajahat Habibullah, IAS
  • Director, LBSNAA, Mussoorie
  • Chairman, National Commission for Minorities
  • First Chief Information Commissioner of India
  • Member of UPSC Civil Services Interview Board

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. B. K. Chaturvedi, IAS
  • Cabinet Secretary, Government of India
  • Member, Planning Commission, Government of India
  • Member, Thirteenth Finance Commission
  • Awarded Padma Bhushan for his contribution to the civil services

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. K. M. Chandrasekhar, IAS
  • Cabinet Secretary, Government of India
  • India's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to WTO

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Amb. Shashank, IFS
  • Foreign Secretary of India
  • Indian Ambassador to countries in Europe, Asia & Africa
  • Member of UPSC Civil Services Interview Board

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. P.C. Haldar, IPS
  • Director, Intelligence Bureau
  • Member, National Security Advisory Board
  • GoI Peace Interlocutor with ULFA
  • GoI Peace Interlocutor with Bodo insurgents
  • Member of UPSC Civil Services Interview Board

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Amb. Pinak R. Chakravarty, IFS
  • Member of UPSC Civil Services Interview Board
  • Indian Ambassador to several countries in Asia
  • Secretary (Economic Relations); Ministry of External Affairs

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. Justice V. K. Bali
  • Chairman, Central Administrative Tribunal
  • Chief Justice, Kerala High Court

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. A.K. Saxena
  • Joint Secretary, UPSC
  • Secretary, Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB)
  • Joint Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Government of India

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. K.K. Jalan, IAS
  • Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, GOI
  • Secretary, Ministry of MSME, GOI
  • Central Provident Fund Commissioner

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. Ram Kumar Verma, IPS
  • Recipient of Presidents Police Medal
  • Member, UN Peacekeeping Force
  • Principal, Police Training School

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Ms. Pravin Tripathi, IA&AS
  • Dy. CAG of India
  • Chairperson, Employees' Provident Fund Organization, India
  • Member of the Competition Appellate Tribunal

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Amb. Rengaraj Viswanathan, IFS
  • Member of UPSC Civil Services Interview Board
  • Indian Ambassador to several countries in Latin America

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Amb. Kailash Lal Agarwal, IFS
  • Member of UPSC Civil Services Interview Board
  • Indian Ambassador to several countries in Europe

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Amb. Vishnu Prakash, IFS
  • Indian Ambassador to several countries like Canada & South Korea
  • Spokesperson , Indian Foreign Office
  • Member of UPSC Civil Services Interview Board

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr.Praveen Kumar
  • Head, Oil Coordination Committee
  • Member, Board of Directors, Indian Oil Corporation, India largest PSU
  • Director (Human Resources), Indian Oil

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Prof. S.C. Garg
  • Member of UPSC Interview Board
  • Chairman, Distance Education Council of India
  • Pro Vice Chancellor, IGNOU University- world's largest University
  • Director, Commonwealth Secretariat, London, U.K

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. Pranay Aggarwal
  • Member, International Sociological Assocn
  • UPSC Social Issues Expert, Indian Express
  • Director, IAS Gurukul

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Amb. TCA Raghavan, IFS
  • Indian Ambassador To Pakistan (retd.)
  • DG, Indian Council of World Affairs
  • Noted Author

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Amb. Anil Trigunayat, IFS
  • Former Indian Ambassador to Arab & African Countries
  • Former Director General, Gulf & Haj Divisions, MEA
  • Distinguished Fellow, Vivekananda International Foundation

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. S.N. Vashisht, IPS
  • Director General of Police, Haryana
  • Director General, State Vigilance Bureau, Haryana
  • Recipient of President's Police Medal for Distinguished Service
  • Recipient of Police Medal for Meritorious Service

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Mr. Yashovardhan Azad, IPS
  • Central Information Commissioner
  • Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
  • Secretary, Security, Government of India
  • Recipient of President Police Medal for Distinguished Service
  • Recipient of Police Medal for Meritorious Service

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Prof. D.P. Agrawal
  • UPSC Chairman (retd.)

IAS Gurukul Board Member

  Dr. Babu Lal
  • Executive Director, BHEL (retd.)
  • Mentor of Change, Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog
  • Member, Governing Council, Power Sector Skill Council, GOI

Get Free Guidance for Sociology

To Register, Call/WhatsApp : 9999693744

Mode of the Interview
Interview Programme for UPSC CSE 2022 is available in both Online & Offline mode.

Offline Interview IAS Gurukul

Offline Mode

To get the realtime experiences same like UPSC Board Interview.

Online Interview IAS Gurukul

Online Mode

To get the benfits of Flexible Scheduling and maximize your prepration time.

Got Any Doubts? Let us call you!

How to enrol in this programme?

  • Step-1: Click on the Register Now button.
  • Step-2: Fill your essential details as asked, then click to submit.
  • Step-3: You will get a confirmation of the registration.
  • Step-4: Indian Civil Services Association (ICSA) will assign you Board Members for your Mock Interview as per your DAF.
  • Step-5: IAS Gurukul will co-ordinate with you and fix your interview time and venue
  • Step-6: Attend your interview.
  • Step-7: Get your interview marks, feedback and suggestions from the Panelists.
  • Step-8: Get face to face personality analysis from the Panelists.
  • For Admission Related Queries

    Message from some of the Board Chairman

    To Register, Call/WhatsApp : 9999693744

    ICSA & IAS Gurukul PYIs Gallery

    ICSA & IAS Gurukul Interview
    Mock Interview Board at IAS Gurukul-ICSA in April 2021 (L to R) Mr. KK Jalan IAS; Mr. P.C. Haldar IPS (ex Director, IB); Mr. B.K. Chaturvedi IAS (ex Cabinet Secretary) & Mr. Pranay Aggarwal (Convenor, ICSA)
    ICSA & IAS Gurukul Interview
    Cabinet Secretary (ex) Mr. B. K. Chaturvedi IAS guiding civil services aspirants at IAS Gurukul-ICSA Mock (April 2021)
    ICSA & IAS Gurukul Interview
    Director, Intelligence Bureau (ex) Mr. P.K. Haldar IPS guiding civil services aspirants at IAS Gurukul-ICSA Mock (April 2021)
    ICSA & IAS Gurukul Interview
    Indian Ambassador (ex) Mr. Pinak Chakravarti IFS guiding civil services aspirants at IAS Gurukul-ICSA Mock (April 2021)
    ICSA & IAS Gurukul Interview
    Mr. Wajahat Habibullah IAS (ex-Director, LBSNAA) giving suggestions to a UPSC aspirant at IAS Gurukul-ICSA Mock (2020)
    ICSA & IAS Gurukul Interview
    Mr. Wajahat Habibullah IAS, First CIC of India (centre) guiding IAS aspirants at IAS Gurukul-ICSA Mock with Mr. Pranay Aggarwal, Convenor, ICSA (left) and Mr. Vinod Zutshi IAS (right) (2020)
    ICSA & IAS Gurukul Interview
    Former UPSC Chairman D.P. Agarwal interacting with students at IAS Gurukul-ICSA Session (2020).
    ICSA & IAS Gurukul Interview
    3 Former UPSC Interview Board members guiding IAS aspirants in IAS Gurukul-ICSA Mock with Convenor, ICSA. (L to R) Amb. Rengaraj Vishwanathan IFS, Mr. Pranay Aggarwal ICSA, Mr. Vinod Zutshi IAS and Amb. Kailash Aggarwal IFS (2020)
    ICSA & IAS Gurukul Interview
    Prof. D.P. Agarwal (former UPSC Chairman) guiding students in exam preparation at IAS Gurukul-ICSA Session (2020)

    UPSC Interviews: A brief overview

    The UPSC Personality test or Interview accounts for 275 marks or a little more than 13.5% of the total score of 2025 marks in the examination. A well done interview can help overcome the shortcomings of the written mains examination that has not gone according to the candidate’s satisfaction. It can give that extra push to land the candidate in the service of their choice or nudge them into the final selection list. Therefore it is imperative that the candidate spends an adequate amount of time in preparing and strategizing for the interview, especially after the mains examination is over.

    What traits is the UPSC Interview Board looking for?

    The first thing to understand about the UPSC interview is that there is a reason behind it being called the Personality test. The knowledge of the candidate has already been adequately test during the preliminary and mains stage of the examination. The interview is the test of the key elements of the personality of the candidate which makes him/her suitable for the role of a civil servant. Some of these traits are the ability to withstand pressure, an analytical frame of mind, the ability to understand the multidimensionality of any issue as well as the agility to respond to any urgent demand of a difficult situation. Also a potential civil servant should be able to maintain his composure in a volatile situation or on provocation. It is thus required from an aspirant to present his/her personality in manner that gives the board an impression that most of these qualities are present in the said candidate. This is where the role of UPSC mock interviews comes into play. It is absolutely necessary that the first time you face an interview board should not be that of the actual UPSC Personality test.

    UPSC Mock Interviews at IAS Gurukul

    The UPSC Mock Interviews at IAS Gurukul are conducted in association with the Indian Civil Services Association, a leading think tank on civil services reforms whose members are senior, retired bureaucrats belonging to various services. The mock interviews are conducted by a panel including former UPSC Interview Board members in a carefully simulated environment so that the candidate gets the feeling that an actual Personality test is taking place. The performance of each individual is then carefully evaluated and analyzed and the weaknesses and strengths of the candidate is reported back to them. Also the feedback is accompanied by suggestions on areas that need improvement and topics that require further detailed study.

    Strategy for UPSC Interview:

    The first and very important point to keep in mind while giving the UPSC mock interview is to take it as seriously as if it were a real interview, otherwise you will not be able to utilize it up to its maximum potential.

    Newspaper Reading:

    • Newspaper, especially after the Mains examination, should be religiously read and you should have extensive and detailed knowledge about specific issues that are frequently in news at that particular time. For example, topics like Covid-19 or the farm bills should be extensively prepared. The Hindu and The Indian express will suffice for your preparation.
    • While reading controversial topics, it is important that you develop a multi-dimensional view of the issue in hand. For example, with respect to the farm bills, you have to be aware of arguments both for and against the government’s move. This will help you prepare if the board member thrown an alternate opinion at you.
    • Also it is important that at no point should you get into an argument with a board member even if you feel strongly about the issue. It is good to take a stand and put your point out, but you should also know how to diplomatically withdraw if the board member persists with an alternate ideology.
    • Unlike the mains, where you need to know a little about everything, at the interview stage, you have to know everything about specific relevant issues and areas.
    • With respect to the DAF \Detailed Application Form preparation, it is very important that you take each and every single word in the form seriously. The word can be your name, your surname, the place of your residence or even the name of your apartment building.
    • For example, if your name is Vaishali, you may be asked its relevance with respect to Buddhism and Jainism. In fact, even the name of your college hostel can invite questions.
    • It is also important to have on your fingertips the basic statistics like literacy rate, sex ratio etc about your home state as well as any state you may have gone to for your studies or job purposes.
    • A detailed study of these cities/states will also require you to know about the history of these cities/states. For example, as a resident of Delhi, you may be asked about the ‘seven cities of Delhi’.

    Questions regarding your Educational background:

    • Questions related to your educational background can also be asked and it is better if you prepare your graduation subject well as well as any current development in that area.
    • For example, as a medical graduate you should be aware about the latest development in the field of medicine, about the Covid vaccine and the controversy around the NEET examination.
    • You will also have to answer questions about why you choose to leave your graduation subject and prepare for Civil services. Although the general answer to this is generally given regarding the scope and diversity in civil services, it is best that you prepare a slightly personalized answer. You can also use anecdotes from your past that motivated you to join the civil services.

    Preparing for your Hobbies:

    • With respect to your hobbies section, it is important to research about them and prepare content for possible areas of discussion regarding them.
    • For example, if reading is your hobby, you should be at least able to name five of your favorite books and authors and know them inside out. Also, it is important that in such hobbies, like even music for example, you should be able to name eminent Indian personalities as your favorites to give the impression that you know and take pride in your own country.
    • If your hobby is cricket, a superficial knowledge will not suffice and you should be aware about the nitty-gritty of the sport as well as about any latest development around it in India as well as globally. For example, you can be asked about the Lodha Committee report.

    General tips for the UPSC Interview:

    • A good practice while preparing for your DAF would be to be to keep a separate file for it and write each topic on a separate sheet and write relevant points on it as well as add points to it as and when required.
    • It is also important that you use a formal language with the board members even during the UPSC mock interviews. It is advisable to avoid any loose talk or slang words.
    • It will be more effective if you speak slowly and clearly, rather than rush through the answers in order to get more points across.
    • You should dress smartly in formal attire, which is a formal shirt and pant for male candidates and salwar or sari for female candidates. Wear light colors and avoid flashy or bright colored clothes. Wear the clothes you intend to wear for the actual CSE Interview for the UPSC mock interviews as well. The 5 member panel may suggest you about your clothing if required.
    • Work on your posture and avoid any bad habits like slouching, biting nails or shaking your legs. For this, you may self practice in front of a full length mirror.
    • It is important to make eye contact with all the board members while answering a question and not just concentrate on a single board member who has asked the question.
    • It is also important to maintain a calm demeanor and smiling face, even if you are undergoing a grilling session.
    • Do not at any point, try to bluff or state facts you are not sure about because this will lead to a very negative impression on the board and may severely affect your score. It is best to apologize and let them know that you are not aware of the answer and you will be sure to look it up when you go home.

    If you religiously undergo these UPSC mock interviews and incorporate the suggestions given at the time of the feedback into your personality, you will be sure to have a pleasant experience of one of the most important interviews of your life.

    Sample questions for Civil Services Interview prepared by Mr. K.K. Jalan IAS (retd.), Former Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, GOI.

    For Free Sociology Counseling

    of Selected Candidates with Sociology Optional


    Gamini Singla, IAS, AIR 3, CSE 2021

    IAS Gurukul is a reputed institute for sociology. Approach Pranay Sir for clearing your doubts. When your answer sheet is evaluated, go to Pranay Sir and understand the feedback. I always made sure that my doubts are clear when I wrote tests. I followed online notes of IAS Gurukul. Thank you, IAS Gurukul.


    Gunjita Agrawal, IAS, AIR 26, CSE 2022

    I want to express my sincere gratitude to Pranay Aggarwal Sir and IAS Gurukul for their support throughout my preparation. Pranay Aggarwal Sir, who is an expert in sociology, has this unique ability to be able to communicate with students coming from non-sociology background in a simple and understandable language. I would recommend sociology here to other aspirants as well.


    Jatin Jain, IPS, AIR 91, CSE 2022

    I would like to thank Pranay Aggarwal Sir and IAS Gurukul team for the immense support in my journey. They have been a constant support my in this journey to help me in every stage; so that i can overcome my fear of answer writing. So, thank you Sir; I am very grateful for your support. Pranay Sir explains the sociological concept in a very easy and lucid language which are very easy to understand; as i don’t have any sociological background. The mains test series of IAS Gurukul which i referred - the questions were very logically framed and the model answers were decent and the evaluation was good. I recommend sociology students to refer to the material and take the guidance of Pranay Aggarwal Sir in this journey.


    Shruti Jain, IPS, AIR 165, CSE 2022

    I think Pranay Sir is one of the most recommended teachers - for clearing doubt regularly with him. Sir gives weekly assignments, i think you should go through them regularly. In my last attempt i came across Sir's sociology course at IAS Gurukul. One of the very important elements that i personally persued was the current affairs parts for the mains. He very well gives and it was done by Sir himself. So i really liked it, that helped me give a lot of perspective in sociology. Especially, i come from the engineering and non sociology background. So those notes and handouts for current affairs was very comprehensive and useful. IAS Gurukul and respected Sir provide test series which includes timely evaluation, model answers and 1 to 1 feedback; which i think is very important; because every student has respective strengths and weaknesses in writing. So, one should be very well connected to Sir. I think that IAS Gurukul as well as Sir's test series courses are very recommended. i would like to thank Sir and IAS Gurukul for their contribution. I will definitely recommend IAS Gurukul to other aspirants as well, so that you have happy sociology as well as happy UPSC!


    Antriksh Jain, IPS, AIR 130, CSE 2021

    I have been a student of Pranay Sir since last 2 years. I will like to emphasize that Sir's personal guidance was available all the time. There were days when i used to talk to Sir for an hour also. Sir was able to give that much personal guidance.


    Navdeep Aggarwal, IPS, AIR 150, CSE 2021

    Pranay Sir has been a very good mentor to me. He gave me good feedback on my answers. I am very thankful to him for guiding me throughout the journey. He was very responsive to my calls. Model answers were top notch. Discussions were very fruitful. It really helped me a lot.


    Shivam Chandra, IAS, AIR 453, CSE 2021

    My experience with Pranay Sir has been very fruitful. He was always available - from online classes to availability on texts and phone for interview guidance and answer writing. My experience with IAS Gurukul has been very crucial in my success.


    Jagrati Awasthi, IAS, AIR 2, CSE 2020

    Approach Pranay Aggarwal Sir, ask him about the doubts because you should not leave any kind of conceptual problem. Whenever you have any doubts, you can approach him, call him or meet him…Thank you, IAS Gurukul.


    Meera K, IAS, All India Rank 6, CSE 2020

    To all the students of IAS Gurukul, you have a very good mentor and very good system in place there.. I think that is exactly what is required for sociology.


    Maithreyi Naidu, IFS, All India Rank 27, CSE 2020

    I wish the students of IAS Gurukul all the very best in CSE. You have Sir here. You can always access him and try to get your doubts cleared. You have classes going on, you have material. Ask Sir how you can improve your answer writing.


    Vinayak Chamadia, IAS, All India Rank 47, CSE 2020

    Pranay Sir has quite a lot of experience teaching sociology. He has mentored a lot of students. So follow whatever he tells and you will succeed. Thank you, Sir.


    Adarsh Shukla, IPS, AIR-149, CSE 2020

    Sir’s methodology of those three steps - that is quite critical and i found that very instrumental. I’ll just say that utilize that experience that you are having in this institution. Thank you.


    Shrikant Yashvant, IAS, AIR-335, CSE 2020

    IAS Gurukul is a very prestigious mentorship program. I have seen Pranay Sir’s attitude towards the aspirants.Thank you very much IAS Gurukul and thank you very much Pranay Sir.


    Kavali Meghana, IAS, AIR-83, CSE 2020

    To all the students of IAS Gurukul, all the efforts that Sir and you guys are putting will only show when you have constant tests…So get in touch with Sir, write and present well. Thank you very much, Sir.


    Sanjita Mohapatra, IAS, AIR-10, CSE 2019

    To all the students of IAS Gurukul, you have taken a very good decision. If you are studying here, you have a mentor. Use that mentor judiciously. He knows so much. Extract as much as you can. Thank you so much, IAS Gurukul.


    Shrestha Anupam, IAS, All India Rank 19, CSE 2019

    To the students of IAS Gurukul, I wish you a bright future ahead. I agree with whatever Pranay Sir does, they definitely work in the examination. Definitely answer writing is a very important part of this examination.


    Ruchi Bindal, IAS, All India Rank 39, CSE 2019

    I wish the students of IAS Gurukul all the best. Have faith in yourself, have faith in the teacher. The teacher is there after a lot of experience.. So listen to the teacher’s experience. There is interaction in the class.


    Harshit Kumar, IAS, All India Rank 150, CSE 2019

    IAS Gurukul is a very reputed coaching institute for sociology. Sir has taught for a lot of years and has been giving consistent results throughout. I recommend you listen to what he is teaching, ask your doubts and write a lot of tests.


    Jasmeet Sandhu, IAS, All India Rank 3, CSE 2015

    You require good mentors, right? I have had Pranay Aggarwal Sir as an overall mentor. I have utilized his understanding in test series. Teachers like Pranay Sir have given me an overall mentorship.


    Amrita Banerjee, Indian Foreign Service, All Indian Rank 110, CSE 2015

    Pranay Sir and his team are doing commendable work as mentors. Pranay Sir gives individual and personalized attention to each student. He is a very approachable person. You can anytime walk up to his room and clarify your doubts.


    Sharnga Pani, Sr. Deputy Collector, SDM Office, Muzaffarpur District, Bihar

    I joined sociology classroom course of Pranay Aggarwal Sir in 2015. I will recommend his classes to those taking up sociology optional. I greatly benefited from his guidance. After 5 years of my coaching, I am still in touch with Sir.


    Gundala Reddy Raghavendra, IPS, All India Rank 180, CSE 2018

    I will strongly recommend those who have science background like me to take sociology optional in IAS Gurukul. I thank Pranay Sir. He personally mentored me and did not hesitate to help me till last few days of my journey.


    Rohan Apurv Sinha, IAS Gurukul's Online Sociology Course Student, 2020

    Hands down the best sociology optional teacher you would get. He makes you think and not just teach. Best thing is he is available anytime...just call him or ping him, he'll be there and not just for sociology but for whole preparation.


    Akhila, IAS Gurukul's Online Sociology Course Student, 2020

    I took the online classes. I must say it's really worth of it. It's a 5 🌟 from my side. Sir's dedication and commitment towards the class is 10 on 10.


    Abhinav Pareek, IAS Gurukul's Online Sociology Course Student, 2020

    Sociology is a subject of diverse opinions and Sir surely knows that. He has holistically covered all the topics, his Class never feels like a burden. I'm glad I studied from sir.


    Dr. Lovely Chaudhary, IAS Gurukul's Online Sociology Course Student, 2020

    Being a medical student, I was very unsure whether my choice of sociology as an optional subject for UPSC was good. But Pranay Sir has made studying sociology a cakewalk. Thank you so much for making it so easy Sir.


    Manika Upadhyaya, IAS Gurukul student in 2018

    My experience at IAS Gurukul was marvellous. I enjoyed as well as learnt a lot about Society in a short span of time. Sir explains topics really well, provides questions regularly and dictates notes wherever necessary.