Old Ncert Books

Old Ncert Books PDFs Free Download

Be patient in reading this article. We will provide all the necessary details regarding old NCERT Book PDFs for the UPSC Civil Services Examination.

Table of Contents

  • • Introduction of NCERT Books
  • • Importance of Old NCERT Books
  • • Difference between Old NCERT and New NCERT books
  • • How to read NCERTs Effectively
  • • Duration to cover NCERT Books
  • • How to get Old NCERT Books
  • • Download Old NCERT Books PDF

Introduction of NCERT Books

As we all know, from Standard 1 onwards NCERT Books forms an essential part of the CBSE curriculum. Basically, NCERT books are a good source of to the point information. From the NCERT Books anyone can understand the concepts very easily and in a very comprehensive manner. In fact, for every topper the basic pillar of their success mantra is NCERT Books.

Importance of Old NCERT Books

During 1990s, Old NCERT books were used by students. After that, it was replaced by new NCERTs. This is a common discussion point among UPSC aspirants that which NCERT to prefer for the civil services exam- Old NCERT or New NCERT. Let me tell you that there is not much difference in both NCERTs. Reading NCERTs can greatly help you in cracking any Government job exam. Many aspirants ask a very common question that when there are so many standard books in the market of every subjects then why is it necessary to read NCERTs. The main reasons are that the language of NCERTs is very easy and simple and very easy to understand. More in-depth knowledge can be acquired from reading Old NCERTs. Below in the tabular format we are providing all the necessary details.

Differences between Old NCERT and New NCERT books

1. Well written in a factual manner. Written in a Subjective manner.
2. Less emphasis on graphical representation. More emphasis on graphical representation.
3. Less number of Diagrams and Charts. More number of Diagrams and Charts.
4. Old NCERTs are mostly Black and White. New NCERTs are more colorful than Old one.

For Subjects like History and Geography, Old NCERTs are much better because it contains more data and facts in a very comprehensive manner. But for subjects like Mathematics and Science, New NCERTs are much better than Old one.

From the Government Exam perspective, NCERT is very important because a lot of questions are directly asked from the basic NCERT Books. If you have thorough and deep understanding of all the concepts of NCERT, you will definitely perform well in the examination.

How to read NCERTs Effectively

In fact, there are two ways of reading NCERT. First one is to read subject wise in which you read History first, then complete polity, then Complete Geography and so on. The other one is Class wise reading in which you read all the subjects for class 6 first then move to subjects of higher standard. Both way of reading is fine but if you are preparing for any examination then subject wise reading would be best. You should read NCERT by keeping in mind the following points:-

  • • In the first reading highlight the important stuff
  • • In the second reading only read highlighted portion of Books
  • • Then Make your notes in your words in very short
  • • Thereafter, Revise your notes at least 2-3 times
  • • Try to bring all the concepts in your conversation stage

Duration to Cover NCERT Books

There is no fixed timeline to complete NCERTs. But, to complete all the subjects in a comprehensive manner it would take around 3 Months .For a slow reader, it may exceed to around 4.5 months. Here my advice to you is that don’t read these books to complete in 1-1.5 months but instead of that just try to memorize all the concepts which are covered by NCERT because that will help you in creating a solid foundation. Moreover, that will also help you in understanding the concepts of standard books better.

How to get Old NCERT Books

There are two convenient ways of getting old NCERTs. The first one is purchasing from the market .You can take these old NCERT Books from any book shop in Old Rajender Nagar market near Karol Bagh in central Delhi. Besides this, the second option is to download all these PDFs from our website. This is the best way to get all the books because this is much faster than purchasing offline. Moreover, due to scarcity of NCERT books in the market you may find it slightly difficult to get them from a Bookstore .So, I would recommend you to download all the Old NCERTs from our website. We will provide you all old NCERT PDFs free of cost.

Download Old NCERT Books PDF

Click on the links below to download Old NCERT Books in PDF absolutely free:

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